Please follow these instructions to make sure your tattoo heals properly. Call or email us with any additional questions.
Leave bandage on as instructed (usually between 3 hours-overnight)
Your tattoo will heal in 2-4 weeks. During this time, follow these instructions.
3 to 5 times a day:
Wash with unscented Dial antibacterial soap.
Pat dry with clean towel or paper towels.
Apply a thin layer of unscented lotion.
Feel free to gently wash if you feel the tattoo has been exposed to dirt/sweat.Do NOT use Vaseline, Neosporin, scented lotions, or essential oils.
The tattoo sometimes forms a scab, do NOT pick or scratch at it.
Showering is ok, but avoid swimming, bathing, or recreational water activities for 2 weeks.
Avoid any direct exposure to the sun during the healing process.
Avoid gardening, exercise, and contact with animals for 2 weeks.
Apply sunscreen to the tattoo in the future to avoid UV damage.
Depending on the location, tattoos typically heal in 1 to 3 weeks.
If your tattoo shows signs of infection (including, but not limited to, redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site), please see a medical professional. Please contact the shop first with any issues or concerns.
Follow these instructions and your tattoo will look great! For any additional questions, please call or email the shop. Happy Healing.
Choosing inspiration over competition for a stronger community and a healthier way to do business.
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Unified by a love for the Earth and the people who live in it.
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Connecting through cohabitation and shared experience.
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